David Willett’s Internship

The Man With Two Brains

Trying to make a success of something that you shouldn’t – unless your Chemical Ali, of course – Minister for Universities and Science “Two Brains” Willetts commenting on the High Fliers annual report on the graduate recruitment market in 2011 seems to think working for nothing is something to applaud. He is quoted as saying: [...]

2011 – More of the Same?


With the arrival of the New Year and in our first post of 2011, we wanted to consider what lies ahead for education this coming year. We couldn’t help but think that this year – 2011 – will resemble 2010 in so many ways: -There will be more unnecessary policy innovations handed down from above [...]

Continuing Americanisation of UK Education


With the narrow victory for the Coalition of One over tuition fees and the rise of Teach First, it seems that the UK is moving ever closer to becoming the newest addition to the United States of America. Teach First is modelled on Teach For America and tuition fees are commonplace in the USA where [...]

Roll of Shame: MPs Who Voted For Fees Hike


Hansard data reveals who voted for the tuition fees hike yesterday. What is galling to us is the number of MPs who despite benefiting themselves from a free or heavily subsidised higher education now think there’s no hypocrisy in voting for a dramatic reduction in the very same subsidy they benefited from. Take Vince Cable. [...]

Teach First, McKinsey & Goldman Sachs


Continuing our investigations into Teach First, it is good to know that this charitable organisation has powerful backing. The founder and CEO at Teach First is Brett Wigdortz. Our Brett has no training in education: he’s not a teacher, policy expert or researcher. He is a businessman, and after gaining an MA in Economics and [...]

“No art to savage British cuts”


Although the UK media have not ventured to challenge the proposed cuts to Arts and Humanities set out by Browne-nose and Chums, other media outlets around the world have. One such outlet is The Australian and an article by Christina Slade, dean of arts and social sciences at City University London, entitled ‘No Art to [...]

After Day X: 28 Nov Student Coordination


…and it gets worse still: “After Day X: 28 Nov Student Coordination After the day of action… NATIONAL STUDENT COORDINATION 12noon – 5pm Sunday 28th November Birkbeck College, Central London, WC1E 7HX Initiated by Education Activist Network, supported by NCAFC and ULU Student Assembly. Wednesday 24th November will go down as a day that shook [...]

Education Activist Network


And it justs gets worse for the Lib-Tory Coalition: “The following universities are currently being occupied (please let us know if our list is out of date). It would be worth paying a visit to any occupations in your area, and certainly sending messages of solidarity. And students, several of these occupations have issued calls [...]

David Willetts’ Two Brains Go AWOL


Funny to think that David Willetts just doesn’t get it. The BBC report that Universities Minister David Willetts thought ‘students had not seemed to have understood the proposals on fees – and that they would not have to pay the higher fees up-front.’ David, David, students and their parents can’t afford to pay tuition fees [...]

Oxford students DON’T back plan to raise tuition fees


The story of Oxford University’s supposed support for tuition fees is again indicative of the terrible state of UK education journalism. First things first, this wasn’t an Oxford Uni vote as the headline makes out. This was a Christ Church College vote. One of 38 colleges at Oxford University. Secondly, out of a student body [...]


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