How “facts” do not a good education make: Michael Gove and the Curriculum Review

This week we heard that Michael Gove is launching a curriculum review, in order to create a return to more “traditional” teaching. Quite apart from the dubious aim of the review, the enormous irony of launching a review of something and simultaneously declaring its result is obvious; as Chris Keates, the General Secretary of the […]


Election 2010 Education wishlist

In “Ten education issues the new government should address“, former director of the Institute of Education (doesn’t say which one) Peter Mortimore tells us his wishlist for the next government. We also have a wishlist for the new party of the moment: 1. Entrust control of Education to an independent body accountable only to the […]


The Countryside Alliance Foundation

“The Countryside Alliance Foundation launches outdoor education report. Outdoor education is a subject close to my heart, one we believe is vitally important if we’re to reverse the decline in access to, and understanding about, the countryside – which is why I want to let you know about a new campaign. The Countryside Alliance Foundation […]


National Curriculum yadda,yadda,yadda

News today that a new curriculum will as they put it ‘excite learning’. Really? Sounds like the end is nigh for the Curriculum. If, with all the changes that have taken place, it still isn’t ‘exciting’ then maybe it needs wholesale reform. We know, why not get rid of it, stop telling teachers what to […]



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