Workload not racism


According to the Independent, ‘Black and minority ethnic teachers face an “endemic culture of institutional racism” in schools, research found today’. This story is covered elsewhere but the press being the press they’ve not reported the main finding only the most provocative. Let’s take a look at this ‘research’. The report, ‘Leadership Aspirations and Careers [...]

‘Teach First’ but for how long?


We see that the “Tories back ‘Teach First’ scheme”. It seems sensible to encourage ‘high-flying’ graduates to join the teaching profession so that they can pass on their skills and experience. However, we would argue that this scheme is not the answer to teacher recruitment and retention. Improved working conditions especially eradicating all paperwork and [...]

Union Leader 4 U


“Union leader calls for review of mobile phone ban in classrooms”, says the Observer. Really? Perhaps so. After all, the article later declares: “In schools where children were provided with handheld computers with phone and internet access to use in lessons, teachers have reported very little misuse, according to David Whyley, the headteacher consultant for [...]

Exam(s) Costs


We can only but admire the logic of a system designed to record progress and raise standards that in fact is costing £700 million and rising. Brilliant for those who provide the examinations e.g. Cambridge University, Edexcel, Trinity and so on. Why is it costing so much? External agencies holding educational establishments to ransom? A [...]

Return of Class War


We at EducationState have written of the trials and tribulations of staff and students in education but we think that of all news commented on in recent times the new university entrance exams in the UK are purely and simply an attempt to turn back the clock to the days of educational elitism. Widely reported [...]

We Want You As A New Recruit!


The mass hysteria surrounding the alleged epidemic of British youth destroying the very fabric of society has reached fever pitch. Not wanting to miss out on any political point-scoring, the Tories would love to see soldiers retrained as teachers. Apparently, they don’t think feral youth have it hard enough so they want to really rub [...]

A Good Teacher


Great response to a BBC News article about what makes a good teacher. The following response is indicative of the rest: “I would have thought that it was quite obvious what makes a good teacher in this day and age. The ability to cope with enormous amounts of administrative paper-work including individual lesson plans for [...]



Today the BEEB’s very own Mike Baker asks how the reluctant minority can be encouraged to stay on. We have a great idea: why not ask 16+ boys and girls what they want to study and allow them to do it. Perhaps that why school is so unattractive to so many: they don’t get to [...]

Summer Term Blues


Discussions here have led us to conclude that the school/college year needs to change. We believe terms should be scrapped or shortened. Semesters should stretch through the summer holidays, while teachers and students should be able to choose when they study. Summer course save on heating bills and result in a reduced carbon footprint. Being [...]

Man in the Middle


If you ever wondered who is/was responsible for Education Policy in the UK then look no further than this man… Education Reform Lessons from England An Interview with Sir Michael Barber Publication Date: January 13, 2006 England’s education system has undergone rapid and ambitious reform in the past decade. In 1997, a newly-elected Labour government, [...]


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Meningkatkan Strategi Bermain dengan RTP Slot Gacor

Mengembangkan strategi bermain slot adalah cara cerdas untuk meningkatkan peluang menang. Bermain di slot rtp tertinggi adalah langkah awal untuk memastikan Anda bermain di permainan dengan peluang terbaik. RTP live memberikan keunggulan tambahan karena Anda bisa memantau performa slot secara langsung. Dengan strategi yang tepat, slot gacor menjadi lebih dari sekadar permainan, itu adalah peluang besar untuk meraih hasil maksimal. RTP slot tertinggi membantu Anda membangun strategi yang efektif dan menyenangkan.

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