The Alan Johnson Debacle

Alan “Postie” Johnson, under attack by usually passive scientists, is aiming to deflect attention from his pathetic attempt to stifle freedom of expression last week by ordering YET ANOTHER review of a Government body that isn’t doing what it’s supposed to i.e do exactly as it’s told.

Alan Johnson

You may be asking what this has to do with education. Well, education policy is decided in exactly the same way. That is, experts advise, politicians decide.

We at EducationState and many, many others think this is totally unacceptable. Labour Secretaries of State are devising policy unilaterally and paying only lip service to experts and advisors. They pander to the noisy minority when they should be leading the enlightened majority. They are acting as mini-dictators, against reason and beyond the pale.

In the case of the decision to sack the chief drugs advisor, they have today wheeled in Gordon Brown to lend his support to AJ and to further discredit Prof. Nutt. They’ll set up another body to review the current body that was set up to review drugs policy. Jobs for the boys, shameful and ridiculous.

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