Conference and Conference Room magazine


I am an editor at John Catt Educational; we publish a range of books, reference guides and magazines related to independent education.

Conference and Common Room is the official magazine of the HMC (Headmasters’ and Headmistresses; Conference), who represent the Heads of over 250 of the leading independent schools in the UK.

The summer 2010 issue contains a host of interesting comment on education and the general election, written by some leading figures in the sector, including:

Nick Hillman, Conservatives’ Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Cambridge, writing about Conservative attitudes towards independent schools;

David Lyscom, Chief Executive of Independent Schools Council, looking for clues on education after the election;

Geoff Lucas, Secretary of the HMC, writing on Conservative intentions with education;

and Bernard Trafford, Headmaster of the Royal Grammar School, Newcastle upon Tyne, and retiring vice-chairman of HMC, looking back at Labour’s legacy.

Kind regards,

Alex Sharratt
Assistant Editor”

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