BBC News Headline Writing

According to the Beeb, ‘British citizenship tests: One in three immigrants fail’.


Well, actually, no. One in three immigrants WHO TOOK THE TEST failed. That is very different to saying 1 in 3 of ALL immigrants failed the test as the Beeb headline implies.

We’re not saying that’s intentional but an emotive subject such as immigration requires a better choice of language than that, don’t you think?

2 Comments for “BBC News Headline Writing”

  1. medwaycollege

    The headline is designed to sell the story, while the true facts would not have the same impact.
    I agree it is wrong, intended or not, but more likely to get people to read the story than including the words ‘Who Took The Test’.

  2. Online IT Training Courses

    That’s right. Headline should be designed to capture the attention instantly, like the reader’s will fall in love at first sight.

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