Internationalisation of HE

International students, as is commonly known, have been the life-support machine of universities in the UK for many years now.

fre market

It is not surprising to learn that one Russell Group university has only 30% undergraduate students. This is mirrored across the country as HE UK is increasingly seen as a business opoortunity and less of a basic right for young, home students.

UK students now not only have to compete with each other for a place at the top-table but, if the universities get their way, will also have to pay what only rich kids from home and abroad can afford.

There is something very socially unjust with universities that have been paid for and maintained over decades by the British public now overcharging the children of these families.

The Liberals appear to be standing resolute behind the tuition fees cap. This is a victory of sorts – there should be no fees, we believe – but how long before these leading universities/businesses decide to jettison the British public completely and are given the green light to charge competitive international rates for their courses?

Of course, HE UK public relations teams will paint a different picture. They’ll claim higher fees are needed at a time of savage cost-cutting to uphold standards, be globally competitive etc. What tosh. Lord Browne-nose gave them what they wanted: a free-market for university courses. They are just playing the waiting game, and to hell with those who aren’t able/willing to pay.

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