Fighting Academy Conversions & Free Schools Conference: Sat 11th June, 10.30am – 4pm
Academies, Education Business, Free Schools, In The News, TUC Wednesday, June 1st, 2011One year on from the Academies Act – Fighting Academy conversions & Free Schools
Saturday 11th June, 10.30am – 4pm
Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS
A major one day conference for governors, parents and staff who want help to organise to stop primary, secondary and special schools converting to academy status.
Speakers include:
Lisa Nandy MP;
Nigel Gann one of the UK’s leading authorities on school governance;
John Adams;
Professor Stephen Ball Institute of Education;
Christine Blower NUT;
Mary Bousted ATL;
Patrick Roach NASUWT;
Jon Richards UNISON;
Megan Dobney SERTUC;
Gerald Vernon-Jackson leader of Portsmouth Council;
Alasdair Smith AAA;
Russell Hobby NAHT;
Peter Downes Lib Dem councillor;
Gail Cartmail UNITE
Workshops on:
Organising secondary staff against academy conversions
Organising primary school staff academy conversions
Academies & governors
School students against academies
Parent & community campaigning
Spotlight on sponsors –Edubusiness unmasked
Free schools
16-19 Academies, UTC and the privatizing of teacher training
Equality, SEN and PRU
‘Rogue Head teachers’ – CEOs or leaders of teaching &
Should church schools become Academies
This conference is the next step in the crucial campaign against the Government’s academy schools reform proposals.
Organised by: SERTUC and Anti Academies Alliance
To register email .uk
For the latest information and discussion follow the Anti Academies Alliance on:
Twitter: @antiacademies or #antiacademiesconference