The End is Nigh for the IfL

We cannot contain our joy that the Institute for Learning/Leaving (IfL) set up in 2002 to ‘professionalise’ the UK’s Further Education and Skills Sector teacher pool but widely credited with alienating already disillusioned teachers and causing much confusion and unnecessary anxiety along the way has been given its own pink slip and told to clear its desk.

The IfL website tells us that “it will again operate as a voluntary, professional membership organisation, in light of the interim report of an independent review of professionalism in the further education and skills sector. The government intends to consult on removing the 2007 regulations requiring the sector’s teachers and trainers to be qualified and registered as IfL members.”

But this is not the full story because the interim report that the UK Minister for Further Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning John Hayes welcomed also includes the recommendation that “The last increment of transitional funding for the IfL should be used to refund part of the second year of fees paid by FE staff”

In other words, the mandatory IfL tax/subscription will be cancelled and the money already paid in subs to be returned to those out of pocket.

The IfL therefore loses its money and will then cease to exist. And not a moment too soon.

Good riddance!


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