Posted by Editors EdReform, In The News Monday, March 31st, 2008
It has been revealed in The Guardian that from next year (2008/9) the running of Education will be placed in the hands of locally-appointed councillors, experts and teachers doing away with over 150 years of state control. Explaining the volte-face Ed Balls MP, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families, explained that “the time […]
Posted by Editors EdReform, In The News, Ofsted Friday, March 28th, 2008
WE would like to offer our sympathies to all those hard-working teachers who have recently had to endure an observation grilling. As a result WE have put together a list of reasons why observations, at least in their current form, make little sense: 1. They lack objectivity because objectivity is unattainable. The mere selection of […]
Posted by Editors EdReform, In The News, Ofsted Friday, March 28th, 2008
Recent lighter-touch inspection regimes have been welcomed by some but we believe such a welcome would have been less warm if the true impact had been known. For it appears that Ofsted inspections have been replaced with institution-led inspections. Whereas in the past we may have expected observations to be in-house and free of inspection […]
Posted by Editors FE, IfL, In The News, UCU Monday, March 17th, 2008
Seems even the unions are in on the IfL scam. They are advising members to join asap when they know that staff in Adult Ed are being press-ganged into joining or threatened with the sack if they don’t. Aren’t they supposed to have the interests of their members to look after?
Posted by Editors FE, In The News Monday, March 17th, 2008
A quick trawl of the web offers these timely reminders: Further education lecturer, Barnet Diana Whelham Salary: £26,780 * Leo Benedictus * Society Guardian, * Thursday March 20 2003 * Article history About this article Close This article was first published on on Thursday March 20 2003. It was last updated at 23:43 on […]
Posted by Editors In The News, Media Watch, Primary Education Wednesday, March 12th, 2008
We’ve received the following email from the BBC. Anyone interested please contact them using the e-mail address below: “Hi, Sorry to bother you. I work for the BBC’s Today programme and we were wondering if you’d be able to help us. There was a story in the news yesterday (11 March 2008) that some schools […]
Posted by Editors FE, IfL, In The News Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
Apparently, the IfL fiasco is going from bad to worse. Firstly, FE teaching staff are being served with ultimatums – ‘sign-up or lose your job’. Once signed up, however, full-time lecturers with decades of experience but without the necessary hoops, or those with overseas qualifications, are being told in droves that they are no longer […]
Posted by Editors FE, In The News Tuesday, March 4th, 2008
In ‘A chance to help shape our own future. Let’s grasp it’ Chris Thomson, governor of an FE college in Brighton, writes that the FE sector is no longer second-best but central to Government plans and we should be congratulating them. ARE YOU FOR REAL? Have you spoken to ANY teaching staff recently? Another example […]