Ball Bearings & The Scientific Selection of Workers

In most cases (particularly when the work to be done is intricate in its nature) the “development of the science” is the most important of the four great elements of the new management. There are instances, however, in which the “scientific selection of the workman” counts for more than anything else. A case of this […]


Teach Like A Showman

A good showman is a person that has a sense or knack for an effective presentation of an animal. Showmanship is the one area of exhibiting beef cattle over which you have the most control. In showmanship, you are judged on your abilities to control and present your steer or heifer to bring out its […]


Why Must We Repeat The Mistakes of Education’s History? Edmond Holmes On The Revised Code of 1862

Below is an excerpt from the writings of Edmond Holmes a notable Irish educator and former Chief Inspector of Schools in England of a century or so ago. In What Is And What Might Be: A Study Of Education In General And Elementary Education In Particular, 1911, Holmes retells the story of the Revised Code […]


The Real Problem is “The Snob”, Not “The Blob”, Mr. Gove.

The Snob, n. – A person who admires and seeks to imitate, or associate with, those of higher social status or greater wealth; one who wishes to be regarded as a person of social importance. – A person who despises those whom he or she considers to be inferior in rank, attainment, or taste. First […]


Gove’s Change Rhetoric: Education Secretary’s speech to ASCL

Michael Gove, UK Ed Sec, spoke at the Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) conference on the the 24 March 2012 so we thought we’d run through the justifications he could come up with for alienating both teachers and headteachers with his needless reforms. There was a defence of free schools and academies. There […]


The MetLife Survey of The American Teacher 2011

While in the UK OFSTASI’s Wilshaw spouts further drivel about declining literacy standards, across the pond in the US a very illuminating survey of teachers has attracted a lot of recent attention, not least because it shows just how dissatisfied teachers currently are. The MetLife Survey of the American Teacher: Teachers, Parents and the Economy […]


Labour Twigg’s Time Warp: An Office for Educational Improvement, Evidence and Standards

The BBC reports today that Labour education spokesman Stephen Twigg has called for the creation of an independent office to raise standards in education in England. On so many grounds this is a mistake. We have written at length about standards in the past but it is clear that Time Warp Twigg, new to the […]


Standards Raising Standards

Yesterday’s announcement of yet more tinkering with the magical world of teaching standards was accompanied by words of support from this season’s Yes Men and Women and some Rumsfeldesque comments by the Gove-nor himself. “Headteachers and teachers have told me in no uncertain terms that the current teachers’ standards are ineffective, meaningless and muddy, fluffy […]


Alfie Kohn

The Case Against “Tougher Standards” By Alfie Kohn People who talk about educational “standards” use the term in different ways. Sometimes they’re referring to guidelines for teaching, the implication being that we should change the nature of instruction — a horizontal shift, if you will. (In the case of the standards drafted by the National […]



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Meningkatkan Strategi Bermain dengan RTP Slot Gacor

Mengembangkan strategi bermain slot adalah cara cerdas untuk meningkatkan peluang menang. Bermain di slot rtp tertinggi adalah langkah awal untuk memastikan Anda bermain di permainan dengan peluang terbaik. RTP live memberikan keunggulan tambahan karena Anda bisa memantau performa slot secara langsung. Dengan strategi yang tepat, slot gacor menjadi lebih dari sekadar permainan, itu adalah peluang besar untuk meraih hasil maksimal. RTP slot tertinggi membantu Anda membangun strategi yang efektif dan menyenangkan.

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