Michael Morpurgo’s Third-Class Life

The Gruaniad has an excellent article on the artificiality and crudity of exam grades and worth including in full: “It was recently reported in this paper that I was proud to have received a third-class degree. Not really. But at 66 it is true to say I am no longer as ashamed of it as […]


X Factor Education

EducationState are interested, if not surprised, that the ‘elite’ are out in force ramping up the ‘crisis’ level in much the same way the ‘fear’ level is ramped up by NuLab. We all know the drill. Some self-appointed ‘expert’ speaks out in public about some perceived problem, statistics at the ready, and either one of […]



We thought our readers may be interested in this clever new website: “Greetings, I appreciate your dedication to higher ed and enjoy your blogs. I too love higher ed and have launched a new website www.campusleftovers.com. The website is free for everyone to use and is comparable to a “craigslist” for higher ed. Some unviersities […]


‘Growing Greener Schools’

We’ve received this email. It may be of interest to you. “During this green revolution, we are all becoming increasingly concerned about the environment and aware of the urgent need for change. The education system, of all fields, has particular responsibility to educate the new generation on the importance of green living and better ensure […]


Cameron’s Choice

David Cameron, Tory leader, is today quoted as calling for the creation of a ‘teaching elite’. EducationState would like to remind Dave that to teachers and many people teaching is ALREADY an elite profession just as much as being a lawyer and doctor. It is the strategy of both main UK parties to peddle the […]



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Meningkatkan Strategi Bermain dengan RTP Slot Gacor

Mengembangkan strategi bermain slot adalah cara cerdas untuk meningkatkan peluang menang. Bermain di slot rtp tertinggi adalah langkah awal untuk memastikan Anda bermain di permainan dengan peluang terbaik. RTP live memberikan keunggulan tambahan karena Anda bisa memantau performa slot secara langsung. Dengan strategi yang tepat, slot gacor menjadi lebih dari sekadar permainan, itu adalah peluang besar untuk meraih hasil maksimal. RTP slot tertinggi membantu Anda membangun strategi yang efektif dan menyenangkan.

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