Calling all teachers – DON’T DO UNPAID OVERTIME!!!

A TUC report makes interesting reading not least because the main news channels and the press in the UK neglected to mention its real significance. According to their analysis of the Labour Force Survey, teachers work more unpaid overtime hours than any other profession, and that includes hot-shot lawyers and City types. While teachers worked, […]


Why do students drop out?

According to the Guardian, MP’s have been asking why students drop out of university. Don’t need a full-blown, lengthy research paper to answer that one. Lack of the green stuff i.e. debt was on the list. Now you don’t have to be Dr. Watson to work that one out.


We Want You As A New Recruit!

The mass hysteria surrounding the alleged epidemic of British youth destroying the very fabric of society has reached fever pitch. Not wanting to miss out on any political point-scoring, the Tories would love to see soldiers retrained as teachers. Apparently, they don’t think feral youth have it hard enough so they want to really rub […]


Education’s for girls and that’s that.

We feel that there is need for a balanced, gender-bias free debate on the reasons for and solutions to the problem of declining support for education among males. Based on the latest university application figures from UCAS, a BBC Education web article today states quite matter-of-factly that: “Overall not only have far more women applied […]


Why exams don’t count!

David Miliband. What have we done to deserve someone like you? According to Wikipedia, “David Miliband was educated at schools in London, Benton Park School in Leeds and Boston, Massachusetts before being educated at Haverstock Comprehensive School in North London, where he obtained a Grade ‘D’ in Physics A-level, and 3 Grade ‘B’s.” After fluffing […]


Why don’t politicians listen?

The Primary Review findings prove YET AGAIN that politicians don’t listen and would rather toe the party line than to use common sense and admit to errors of judgement. We at EducationState thought we’d do our bit to improve their listening skills by lending them some of these: Or these:


Wanted: Lookalike!

We think this has to be made into some kind of film. Why-oh-why an experienced banker would then decide to go back to college to finish someone else’s exams, the Great Man himself only knows!!! City banker, 34, sat exams for student, 22 “A City investment banker who held senior positions at Bank of America […]


What next? A McLaureate? McNobel Prize? McOscar? McPhd?

Apparently, we shouldn’t be deriding the fact that McDonalds and other blue-chip companies are starting qualifications of their own. Mike Baker, the BBC News Education spokesman, calls it “snobbery” to criticise these companies for trying to raise the esteem associated with non-academic, skills-based awards. Snobbery seemed a little inappropriate, however, so we’ve come up with […]


A Good Teacher

Great response to a BBC News article about what makes a good teacher. The following response is indicative of the rest: “I would have thought that it was quite obvious what makes a good teacher in this day and age. The ability to cope with enormous amounts of administrative paper-work including individual lesson plans for […]



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Mengembangkan strategi bermain slot adalah cara cerdas untuk meningkatkan peluang menang. Bermain di slot rtp tertinggi adalah langkah awal untuk memastikan Anda bermain di permainan dengan peluang terbaik. RTP live memberikan keunggulan tambahan karena Anda bisa memantau performa slot secara langsung. Dengan strategi yang tepat, slot gacor menjadi lebih dari sekadar permainan, itu adalah peluang besar untuk meraih hasil maksimal. RTP slot tertinggi membantu Anda membangun strategi yang efektif dan menyenangkan.

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